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Скриншоты Название ролика:Atlant 4* Hotel Resort Nabran (Azerbaijan)
Год выпуска: 2008
Перевод: Русский
Длительность видео: 00:01:09
Автор: Aztourism
Краткий рассказ о видео:

Atlant, the new Recreation and Relaxation Center was inaugurated in 2003 in Azerbaijan on the coast of the Caspian Sea not far from famous Nabran seaside resort.The locality where the Recreation Centre is situated differs with magnificent natural conditions and picturesque views, wonderful forest rich with plantation makes a perfect contrast with sea-side landscape. This peculiarity enables us to expand the spectrum of entertainment put at your disposal, dear guests, as walks in the forest are organized for those willing to take part in, where you can enjoy the nature breathing fresh air purified by the "lungs of the Earth", in direct proximity to you. The sea entertainments also grant you a lot of impressions and diversity of recreation helpful for the health. The sea wash, the rustle of foliage and the twittering of the birds will add harmony to the sounds of summer, and all this will surely leave irreplaceable impression in your memory about the time you spent in Atlant.The guests of our Centre will enjoy refined as well as domestic atmosphere here. At least, just here you are sure to find a relaxation from town bustle.

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Просмотры: 1 Запуски: 1 Добавил: Atlant Канал пользователя: Atlant 

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